10 things all content creator needs to know

10 things all content creator needs to know

We listed 10 tips that creators need to know/learn/seek/understand, and that can help you find yourself in this giant universe called the “Internet”.

1. Constant change

Understand the importance of having a position, who you are, and how you want to be seen as a professional. The market is constantly changing, and it is necessary to follow and mature together in order not to be left behind. And the most important: learn how to manage your business, without losing its essence. Think of professional courses, watch content on the subjects of your interest on the internet, learn. No one can take the knowledge from you.

Get out of the obvious and think about initiatives aimed at developing personalized communication between brands and people. Promote dialogues.

2. If you organize yourself correctly, it will make your life easy

Being a digital content creator is crazy and thought-provoking, but it is also a profession that requires dedication and organization. And a creator’s main enemy ends up becoming time itself. In order to make the gears of the clockwork in your favor, you must have a minimum of organization. Agenda, planner, or planning applications can help to generate good results for your content.

3. Understand your value

Creators are always looking for business models and sustainable practices. So the first thing you need to understand is that everything has a price. 

a) Find out how much your hour costs and how many hours you need to produce and deliver your content. 

b) You will not be charged for the number of followers you have, but for the real impact, you generate. 

c) A brand doesn’t hire creators just for views, but because it wants them to talk about it – and that comes at a price. 

d) Be competitive and flexible when negotiating. 

Understanding this, you will always look at your audience and think: “what could I do to help you that can become a source of revenue?”.

4. Take care of your mental health

The internet does not shut down, but you need to shut down!

Dedicating yourself to any project as intensely as creating content is tiring. 

Never forget that content is created from people to people and that it is very important to stay mentally healthy.

Anxiety, excessive tiredness, the feeling of having to keep producing ceaselessly are warning signs for creators who work hard to make their work happen.

Don’t let yourself reach your limit. And if you arrive, seek help. Don’t be thinking that there is no way or that you can solve everything yourself.

5. Don’t be dependent on the algorithm

Content creation now comes from everywhere and can be distributed across diverse and increasingly niche platforms. It’s great for giving options to the audience, but a big challenge for creators. It is increasingly necessary to think about content: native, engaging, multi-platform, multi-format, faster, cheaper, and with quality.

The algorithm needs to be your ally, not the enemy. Once the algorithms work in a certain pattern, the solution to be free and be creative is to know very well how it works, interfering and subverting the system in search of different results. A process that requires experimentation, trial, and error.

You need to test the different possibilities and understand what is best for you and your content. Anyway, with the homogeneity of the platforms, a content strategy becomes indispensable. You don’t need to be at all, but wherever you are, be original.

6. Being relevant is not about numbers

Many people believe that only those who have millions of followers are relevant in the market. Not necessarily. Numbers say nothing if their content has no purpose and authenticity.

There is still a very widespread view of the internet, but it is necessary to understand that the essence of it is communities and segmentation. In digital, we go after the things that touch us and that we identify with, and build a world from what we are. This proximity to interests and values ​​is much more important than demographics.

Focus on building your community. Community is about taking care of the audience and not having the audience.

7. Have a media profile kit

It is nothing more than the presentation of who you are and what your content is about.

This feature serves to show your project and tell a little more about you. This makes it easier to apply for future jobs. It is fundamental to your goals, in addition to starting to plot what amount you can charge.

8. To be a creator is to be an entrepreneur

Content creators need to understand themselves as a business and know how to position themselves as a brand.

It takes a change of mindset, which is nothing more than the mentality that each one has in relation to life. Mindset is a set of mental attitudes that directly influences our behaviors and thoughts and is decisive for achieving success or not.

To understand yourself as an entrepreneur it is important to:

-Seek knowledge;

-Know where you want to go;

-If you have a plan;

-Do not be afraid to make mistakes and take risks;

-Be committed to your work.

9. “Not all authentic content is successful, but all successful content is authentic”.

Being authentic is not just about being you. It’s about being able to communicate aspects of yourself to others. And also how you communicate your beliefs through your behaviors.

Authenticity, in the context of content production, is a feeling that other people feel about you and that happens when you are:

Real – what you say is a reflection of how you are. The famous “walk the talk”;

Meaningful – your audience connects with you on a personal level;

Original – you offer a new perspective on something;

Important – its content contributes to broader conversations, of the cultural context of the moment.

10. You are not alone

It is normal to feel lost, it is normal to have fears and anxieties. Sometimes it gets very difficult, but that’s what creating content is: resisting, persisting, and having resilience, and above all, love for what you do.

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